
Open Access publishing with the major scientific publishers

26.10.2023 12:15 Uhr

Without additional costs - with the Read&Publish agreements!

As part of the national Open Access strategy, six 'Read&Publish' agreements have been negotiated with the major scientific publishers Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Cambridge, Taylor & Francis and Sage. In addition, there are agreements with smaller as well as pure Open Access publishers. This allows members of the three Lucerne Universities to publish Open Access in thousands of academic journals. In the input we will present the agreements and the concrete procedure for publishing Open Access in these journals.


CC 4.0 by International Open Access Week

Thursday, 26th October 2023, 12.15-13.00
Zoom-Meeting* Meeting-ID: 683 3435 6737, Kenncode: 982682

Simone Rosenkranz, ZHB Luzern
Free of charge and without registration, open to all

Info & Contact:
Overview Read&Publish Agreements

Kurse der ZHB für einen kompetenten Umgang mit Information für Studierende, Dozierende und Forschende der Universität Luzern und der Pädagogischen Hochschule Luzern: zielsicher suchen, rasch finden, organisiert nutzen, wirksam teilen → aktuelle Kurse für Uni/PH Luzern

Weitere Angebote zur Informationskompetenz auf der Kursplattform WISSEN+ der wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken der Region Zentralschweiz → aktuelle Kurse WISSEN+­

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